
How the nets work next??

 I read the story on Gizmode.com and title is "You can buy stocks on Facebook soon"
I think it's interesting we can exchange money and stocks beyond border, nation, and standpoint.

Is it what the FaceBook as a service??

In the case, someone lives in developping country wants to built business, it's helpful if the one could connect anyone support them with him/her. Of course, everyone is as well, and publicity will be nessesary to do business.

If one Japanese would try to make company deal with electricity, she/he could accept empowerment from people have same opinion and agree to the future they want to reach.

 Why I think such a things, it's because of my education.
I read the book from Richard Branson , Muhammad Yunus , and so on,
so I focus on Social business. Business and Internet make the society better, I believes.

For example, there is the NGO, KIVA.
Their quote goes "Empower people around the world with a $25 loan"
You can lend 25USD each person and it help their business,
so you can  help them wherever you lives.

It's great that internet enable them to get better life and give empowerment to their business.
I expect to internet's next stage and future.

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