Taiwanese and Cantonese guys talked over last night.
They said ''one Taiwanese girl and someone gonna be fried rice(炒飯;chao han)''.
I did not understand the meaning last night.
調べてみたところ、炒飯にはセックスの隠語があるらしく、「大東炒飯太賣力 累到不舉」は普通に読むと「大東はチャーハンを作る時に力を入れすぎて、(中華鍋が)持ち上がらなくなった」という意味になるらしいんだけど、炒飯=あれと考えると、「大東はやるときに力を入れすぎて、疲れて立たなくなった(累到不舉)」という感じになるらしい。
I googled the words, then I realized it was jargon and meaning sex.
Actually, someone is trying to do it, but he have not fulfill his purpose.
大東炒飯太賣力 累到不舉 which means ''Dadong(human's name) shake the pan too hard so that he get too tired to lift his arm'', but thinking about it means sex, which means Dadong do it too hard so that he get tired and it does not have erection.
不舉:erection in jargon
I really surprised to their imagination.
Taiwanese and Cantonese guys talked over last night.
They said ''one Taiwanese girl and someone gonna be fried rice(炒飯;chao han)''.
I did not understand the meaning last night.
調べてみたところ、炒飯にはセックスの隠語があるらしく、「大東炒飯太賣力 累到不舉」は普通に読むと「大東はチャーハンを作る時に力を入れすぎて、(中華鍋が)持ち上がらなくなった」という意味になるらしいんだけど、炒飯=あれと考えると、「大東はやるときに力を入れすぎて、疲れて立たなくなった(累到不舉)」という感じになるらしい。
I googled the words, then I realized it was jargon and meaning sex.
Actually, someone is trying to do it, but he have not fulfill his purpose.
大東炒飯太賣力 累到不舉 which means ''Dadong(human's name) shake the pan too hard so that he get too tired to lift his arm'', but thinking about it means sex, which means Dadong do it too hard so that he get tired and it does not have erection.
不舉:erection in jargon
I really surprised to their imagination.